You can easily figure out, if you are looking for jewelry containing gemstones, that it is not as straightforward as years ago. For good or bad, technology allows businesses to create semi-precious stones that are near impossible to discern from the real thing for most people. Successful gemstone buying need not be so stressful, and here are a couple of tips you will find worthwhile to know.

We all want the best value when buying gemstone jewelry, but that is not all - we must look for authenticity. It goes without saying that there will never be any real value with a piece of fashion jewelry. But spending a lot for a stone that's being presented as authentic when it might not be is a different story. Actually, there are multitudes of occasions when jewelry is received as a gift or inheritance, and then people immediately think about how much it is worth. In these cases, you may want to consult a professional jeweler or appraiser. The people who do this are licensed and accredited, and they have professional reputations to protect. If the jewelry piece has high value, then we recommend you be willing to pay a professional for the best type of appraisal.

For a very long time, emeralds, diamonds and rubies have been considered to be those gemstones that command the highest prices. The brilliant green of a true emerald has a distinctive beauty that's hard to match. For so very long, this gem was the mark and domain of royalty. One of the most often used standards for purchasing gems are the color, cut, carat and clarity. All most of us can do is see how large or small an emerald is, and then assess the depth of color and if it has observable flaws.

Of course you do have to be careful when buying anything on the net, but shopping for jewelry with gemstones online can be painless just as long as you know what to look for. If you're buying from a large retail or auction site, look for feedback ratings or customer reviews to make sure the seller is honest. Just about most businesses online will have a return policy that is time sensitive. Don't buy expensive jewelry if the seller doesn't give you the option of returning it. Lots of people get into trouble when they pay with something like a money order, or even worse they do a wire transfer.

There is so much information available about gemstones that you could not possibly read it all. One of the best approaches is to discover all you can about the type of gem you really like. Of course you really should know what you are looking for and looking at before you buy.